Pointers By Paul's Photo
Your Top Ten Photos of the Year + Top 100 Photos of ALL TIME!
As photographers we click the shutter thousands of times each year. Some photos are good, most are bound for the trash and a select few are great. Have you examined your best-of-the-best photos from last year? Have you searched for and chosen your Top Ten Photos of the Year? If you haven’t you should!

Yes, it’s a daunting task and heart wrenching to make tough choices. Which photo is in and which is better than that. I know, your photos are like your children, they’re all perfect.
Why is this difficult endeavor worthwhile?
1. Look back at the year and relive the fun and successes with your camera
2. Self-assessment of where you are creatively and technically
3. Focus yourself and your skill for improvement in the New Year
4. Gather photos for a sizzle reel or brag book to share with family and friends
5. A step in gathering your Top 100 Photos of all time.

My Top 10 is culled from nearly two-dozen Photo Adventures, Camera Walkabouts with CPA students and my personal shoots. How do I find the Top 10 photos?
1. List (from memory) the most memorable photos and moments of the year
2. Search the folders of these shoots. Evaluate the best and the rest.
3. Copy the best-of-the-best photos to a folder on my desktop. Be discerning.
4. Carefully examine and elevate the Top 10 Photos of the Year
5. Make your edits then ask a trusted friend or mentor for their opinion

How do I choose the Top 10? This is the hardest part! Whittling down to THE TEN. I am searching for meaningful and thought-provoking photos that exude:
1. Compositional perfection
2. Stunning light
3. Compelling story
4. Viewer engagement with the photo
5. The print on the wall will be amazing

It is always a great challenge to choose the Top 10. I can’t wait to see yours. Stop by Paul’s Photo to see prints of my Top 10 Photos of 2024. Once you have the Top 10 for each year work on your TOP 100 of all TIME!

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